The SunBox Blog

Browse our various blog articles to learn more about our story and products.

Seasonal Affective Disorder: More Than Just the Winter Blues

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If you find yourself feeling overly tired, sluggish, and unmotivated to participate in your favorite activities during the winter months, it could be more than just the cold getting to you. You could suffer from Seasonal Affective Disorder (SAD), an ailment that affects more than 3 million Americans each year….

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Why Does Light Therapy Work?

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You’ve read about bright light therapy, and have heard that it’s a natural way to treat some of the symptoms of Seasonal Affective Disorder (SAD). But how can just sitting in front of a lamp every day produce physical results that work? Since SAD is caused by a disruption to…

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What Is Bright Light Therapy?

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Exposure to bright light has been found to help reset circadian rhythms and boost the feel-good chemical composition in the brain to alleviate and treat symptoms of environmental depression. How does bright light therapy work, and how is it used? The Biology of Light The necessity of light goes far…

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What is Winter Depression and How Can It Be Treated?

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What is Winter Depression? Believe it or not, the amount of sunlight your receive on a daily basis can have an impact on your overall health and wellness. As winter rolls around, shorter days and colder months throw some people for a loop by disrupting their circadian rhythm, the 24-hour…

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The SunBox Company Shares a Light Box with 270net Technologies

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The Digital Marketing team at 270net Technologies recently had the opportunity to experience first-hand the benefits of Light Therapy for the first time. The SunBox Company founder, Neal Owens, lent a SunBox SunLight Plus® 10,000 Lux SAD Lamp to the team, so they could feel the impact of a bright…

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We’re Moving!

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Sunbox is moving up to Frederick, MD. See what Neal has to say!

4208 W. Cheyenne Ave, Ste. 120, North Las Vegas, NV 89032 240-651-3286 1-800-548-3968