Sunbox will be closed from May 2 to May 14.

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Help Fight Depression with SunBox

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COVID-19 has brought with it fear, uncertainty, financial instability, anxiety, isolation and loneliness. Any one of these issues by itself can trigger depression, and several in combination can be a surefire recipe for the blues — big time.

For the past six months, many experts have been concerned about the wave of mental health problems that have mirrored the spread of coronavirus. Some mental health professionals have even labelled this rise in depression and other mental health issues as a second pandemic.

If you are already susceptible to anxiety and depression, you may have found exposure to COVID-related stressors causing your mood to deflate significantly. And if you’re one of the millions of people who suffer from Seasonal Affective Disorder (SAD), chances are you’re very concerned about the arrival of shorter, darker days and the deficit of sunlight’s likely effect on your mental health.

While no one can control the incidence of the virus or the availability of a COVID vaccine, in the meantime, there are some things we are able to control. Many people find relief from symptoms of depression through daily exposure to our products that simulate the sunlight of a summer day. From desktop lamps, to full-spectrum bulbs, to lamps for winter depression that can light an entire room, SunBox products can help you fight the winter blues and regain your enthusiasm, energy, and focus.

While COVID-related depression and SAD are different things, you can definitely experience both at the same time. And if this is happening to you, you should know you are definitely not alone. Last month, a survey by the Centers for Disease Control reported that 40% of U.S. adults are currently dealing with symptoms of depression. That’s triple the number who reported depression symptoms the last time the CDC conducted a survey in 2017-18.

A study released in the JAMA Open Network Journal, shortly after the CDC report by the Boston University (BU) School of Public Health, confirmed what mental health professionals have suspected for months: Americans are dealing with “a surprising level of depression” during the pandemic. Depending on how long the pandemic persists, and what kind of winter we have, instances of depression are likely to rise.

A mental health professional is a good place to start if you feel that depression is becoming unmanageable, but keep in mind that thousands of people have found relief from symptoms of depression through SunBox products.

Browse our website to explore the scientifically documented case for light therapy, and have a look at the product that will best fit your needs.

97 Monocacy Blvd, Suite C, Frederick, MD 21701 240-651-3286 1-800-548-3968