Sunbox will be closed from May 2 to May 14.

Please email and we will respond as quickly as possible. Please include your phone number if you would like a return call on the days we are not in the office. Thank you for your understanding, stay well and have a sunny day!

10,000 lux light- I found that SunBox was most credible.

Posted on:

Dear SunBox Company,

I did a lot of shopping before decided doing business with SunBox. All the manufacturers of boxes have their claims. I found that SunBox was the most credible. My doctor told me that SunBox products are safe and he has recommended them for over 20 years.

I wanted a 10,000 lux light box that would work and not take up much space on my kitchen table. My SunBox box has proved to be what SunBox claimed. I also like that it is built here in the USA. I’m a veteran and happy to support American made products.

I am also impressed with the fast shipping. I got my order in 2 days!

I will be buying my mother a box so she can use in her assisted living home. She doesn’t get outdoors much and my doctor says it can help her mood and sleep problems.

Thanks SunBox for a great product and friendly customer service.


Stuart S

Stuart SNew York
97 Monocacy Blvd, Suite C, Frederick, MD 21701 240-651-3286 1-800-548-3968