Sunbox will be closed from May 2 to May 14.

Please email and we will respond as quickly as possible. Please include your phone number if you would like a return call on the days we are not in the office. Thank you for your understanding, stay well and have a sunny day!


Posted on:

Hey, I wanted to tell you about my experience with the sun square. I put it in front of my computer and the light is exactly 27 inches from my eyes. I first used high power for 30 minutes and I started waking up at 3 am. I backed off to 1/2 power for 15 minutes but that didnt seem like enough. I eventually settled at full power for 15 minutes. At first I wasn’t sure how I would have the time to sit still that long. after using it consistently, I wake exactly at 6am and I have plenty of time. before, I was barely wiping the toothpaste from my chin as I was running to the door to greet clients. Now I have a relaxed morning. I am really enjoying not having to peal myself outta bed at the last minute anymore which I have done my entire life. The other thing I have noticed just recently is that I seem to be less of a pessimist with a sarcastic twist. I was having some bouts of depression and not having a lot of nice things to say. The sleep took a couple weeks, the depression I think was gradual before I really noticed a difference in the last couple weeks. I thought about buying one of these lights for a while now. but when I saw your news clip and that great big smile on your face I realized I needed what you had! Thank you for the opportunity to try this. I owe you big time!

97 Monocacy Blvd, Suite C, Frederick, MD 21701 240-651-3286 1-800-548-3968