Sunbox will be closed from May 2 to May 14.

Please email and we will respond as quickly as possible. Please include your phone number if you would like a return call on the days we are not in the office. Thank you for your understanding, stay well and have a sunny day!

Jane H

Posted on:

Dear SunBox, I ordered your SunSquare+ for me and my family to use for our depression. I must tell you, I am impressed with the quality of your products. We have tried other light therapy units and they were cheap junk. One of them melted while using it and the company wouldn’t even refund us. Our doctor recommended your company. He gave us your discount coupon. We love our SunBox. Thank you for making such a great product and we are happy you make them here in the USA. God Bless,

Jane HMS
97 Monocacy Blvd, Suite C, Frederick, MD 21701 240-651-3286 1-800-548-3968